Design Services

Small Businesses
Starting a new business is an exciting and daring adventure. You’ve worked hard and are ready to introduce your baby to the world. But where to start? Logos, social media, business cards, signage…the sheer volume of things to consider can be overwhelming.
Maybe you have an existing business but your visual identity looks less-than-professional and is in need of a re-design.
Working together, we can build a thoughtful and well-crafted brand that communicates exactly what you stand for to your clients and customers.

You have dreams of an event with a distinct visual style that guests will remember long after it’s over. Your vacation rental is close to perfection but is missing that final touch to bring your guest experience to the next level. You have a vision in mind but just don’t know where to start.
Enter graphic design. I’ll help you sift through your jumble of ideas (and Pinterest boards) to deliver a cohesive and memorable end result.

If only there was someone who had years of experience in graphic design, up-to-date Adobe Creative Suite software, was familiar with multiple website platforms and could work on a contract basis… Sound too good to be true? Meet me, your ghost-designer for hire.
You’ve already done the heavy lifting and designed a fantastic identity for your client, let me take on the tasks you’re less enthused about (content entry anyone?). You will continue to communicate directly with your client, while I work behind the scenes to ensure you’re able to deliver it all on time and in style.